Canine and Feline Behaviour Consultations
A pet behaviour consultation is approximately 60 - 90 minutes, conducted after an extensive questionnaire is completed by the pet carer. All Animal Sense Consults are held in our Behaviour Centre unless you choose the Telehealth option because you are remote or your animal cannot travel.
Completion of the questionnaire allows the veterinary behaviourist to prepare for the consultation, knowing as much as possible about the animal's behavioural history. This maximises the usefulness of the actual consultation time and enables the behaviourist to understand more about the origin of the problem.
All aspects of the animal’s life are examined through the questionnaire. Video footage is extremely useful.
The questionnaire is a vital part of the consultation and is relied on to make an accurate diagnosis. Pet caregivers who have recently adopted rescue animals should include as much known detail as possible from the animal's early life.
The consultation includes treatment notes and handouts relevant to your companion, plus ongoing support via phone and/or email for a period of three months from the initial consultation.
Blood work (veterinary pathology), veterinary medications and pet behaviour modification training incur extra fees. Trainers are welcome to attend the consultation with their clients.
Most animals will require ongoing work with an experienced behavioural trainer, one on one, recommended by Drs Nicole and Zoe, and some animals will be prescribed medication to speed their improvement.
Cost $469

Pet Behaviour Webinars
Role of Emotion in Aggressive Behavior - 90 minutes
Role of Emotion in Aggressive Behavior in conjunction with Michael Shikashio of​​
Understanding the Canine Brain
A 1.5 hour long recorded webinar for canine professionals on the basics of the brain, emotional disease and medication to treat mental illness in canines, includes Q & A, cost US $25, Vimeo on Demand​​​​​​​
Animal Behaviour - Expert Public Speaking
Dr Nicole and Dr Zoe can speak on a range of topics to pet caregivers and to a variety of pet professionals. Animal behaviour speaking topics and information sessions from the past include the following:
For pet caregivers
Dog sense
Behaviour concerns for Greyhound adopters
Remedies for rescue dogs
New Baby and Dog
Complicated Canines - A caregivers Guide to living with an anxious dog
Understanding the Role of Emotions in Aggressive Behaviour
For pet professionals
Understanding the Canine brain (Pet Professionals)
Low stress handling for practitioners (Veterinarians)
Behaviour medicine for general practitioners (Veterinarians)
Canine and Feline body language and low stress handling (Vet Nurses)
Use of barking muzzles (Greyhound Industry)
Behaviour triage and common behaviour problems (Vet Nurses)
Feline behaviour (Vet Students)
Come in spinner – canine compulsive disease (Veterinarians)
Behaviour for Dog breeders (Dogs West Members)
Shelter Cat - Improving Adoptability (Cat Haven)
Making Bath time Fun time (Aussie Pooch)